Monthly Archives: February 2016

Book Two Collection. Thanks.

After six months (considerably less than for book one!), another 3500 page views from over 1200 visitors and book two is complete.



As is now customary at the end of the volume I’d like to give my heartfelt thanks to all those who read this blog. Thank you for the likes, over 150 on this book, I know there are uber blogs out there that get hundreds of likes a post but for my little section of the web that is a great number, and real encouragement. As are the comments, so thank you for those.

A special shout out to the great faith and steel blog, thank you so much for the mention, honoured.

Book Two pagesWhere Next?

So what next, a short break from this for me, I have a few other things I need to get done so It will be at some point in March hopefully when we will again pick up the adventures of Rook, Hawksby et al.

In the mean time I am hoping to publish a single page ‘deleted scene/epilogue’ to book two. Something I wanted to include but couldn’t find the right place for.


On the hobby front I haven’t forgotten that side of this project, I have a new scenario and some more miniatures in the pipeline to share soon.

Once again I hope you will continue to enjoy the Hawksbys adventures in comic and miniature as they continue. So until next time, thanks. For King, God and Country!

Here are the collected editions of both volumes:

Here is the first full issue collected as a PDF (5 mb) download.


Click the image to download.

Here is the second full issue collected as a PDF (4.1 mb) download.

hawksby-toon-pdf-image 2

Click the image to download.

Battle of the Barn (Part 4)


Battle of the Barn (Part 3)


Battle of the Barn (Part 2)


Battle of the Barn (part 1)




That night (Part 3)


That night (Part 2)
